My Go-To Camera Settings For Stills

Photography is a tricky art form, knowing how to set the aperture and shutter speed correctly can be challenging.

Here are my go to settings for a still.

The first thing to consider is how much you want in focus. If I only want one person or object in focus, then my aperture will be large (low number). Example F2 1-2 people, F3 3 people, and so on.

The second consideration is how fast do I want my shutter speed. Because this image will be a still, I can have my shutter set lower than usual—however not too low because you don’t want things in the shot to move around while taking picture (unless its for effect). Usually when shooting stills like these, 200 or 250 are good settings to start at

The third consideration is the ISO—how much artificial light do I want my camera to make. Generally speaking, you want your ISO as low as possible, though you may have to compensate for the first two settings by increasing it if they are too dark or decreasing it if they are too bright.

Follow @aternacreativegroup for more photography tips.
Happy shooting 📸