How To Create:
A Buyer's Persona

Know Your Target Audience: A guide to a buyer's persona.

What is a buyer persona?
A buyer persona is a representation of your ideal client based on market research and your existing customers. It includes details such as demographics, behaviours, motivations and goals.

Why are buyer personas important?
Buyer personas help businesses to better understand their customers and tailor their marketing and sales efforts to address their specific needs and challenges.

Can a business have multiple buyer personas?
Yes, a business can have multiple buyer personas depending on the different types of customers they serve. Each buyer persona should represent a unique segment your audience with specific needs.

How often should buyer be updated?
Buyer personas should be updated regularly to reflect changes in the market, customer behavior, and your business goals. It is recommended to review and update your buyer personas at least once a year or whenever there is a significant change in the market or your customer base.

How do you create a buyer persona?
To develop your buyer persona, download the Creative Group’s branding and strategy workbook.